主要学术成果 科研项目: (1)orexin对苍白球神经元兴奋性的调控及其在帕金森病运动障碍发生过程中作用的研究(31671076),57万元,2017.01~2020.12,国家自然科学基金 (2)苍白球hcn通道的电生理效应及其与帕金森病发病关系的实验研究(31070942),36万元,2011.01~2013.12,国家自然科学基金 (3)苍白球代谢型谷氨酸受体的电生理效应及其与帕金森病发病的关系(30870800),35万元,2009.01~2011.12,国家自然科学基金 著作教材: (1)副主编中英双语《人体生理学》,科学出版社,2010 (2)副主译《神经生物学:从神经元到脑》,科学出版社,2014 (3)副主编《神经生物学》,江苏科学技术出版社,2013 期刊论文: (1) yu jj, xue y, wang y, liu c, chen l*. in vivo bidirectional modulation of cannabinoid on the activity of globus pallidus in rats. neuroscience. 2021 aug; 468:123-38. (2) wang y, xue y, liu c, chen l*. apelin-13 regulates electrical activity in the globus pallidus and induces postural changes in rats. neural regen res. 2021 nov;16(11):2264-8. (3) wang y, chen aq, xue y, liu mf, liu c, liu yh, pan yp, diao hl, chen l*. orexins alleviate motor deficits via increasing firing activity of pallidal neurons in mouse model of parkinson's disease. am j physiol cell physiol. 2019 oct 1;317(4):c800-12. (4) hao xm, xu r, chen aq, sun fj, wang y, liu hx, chen h, xue y, chen l*. endogenous hcn channels modulate the firing activity of globus pallidus neurons in parkinsonian animals. front aging neurosci. 2019 jul 25;11:190. (5) liu mf, xue y, liu c, liu yh, diao hl, wang y, pan yp, chen l*. orexin-a exerts neuroprotective effects via ox1r in parkinson’s disease. front neurosci. 2018 nov 15; 12:835. (6) liu c, xue y, liu mf, wang y, liu zr, diao hl, chen l*. orexins increase the firing activity of nigral dopaminergic neurons and participate in motor control in rats. j neurochem. 2018 nov;147(3):380-94. (7) sheng q, xue y, wang y, chen aq, liu c, liu yh, chu hy, chen l*. the subthalamic neurons are activated by both orexin-a and orexin-b. neuroscience. 2018 jan 15;369:97-108. (8) xue y, yang yt, liu hy, chen wf, chen aq, sheng q, chen xy, wang y, chen h, liu hx, pang yy, chen l*. orexin-a increases the activity of globus pallidus neurons in both normal and parkinsonian rats. eur j neurosci. 2016 sep;44(5):2247-57. 获奖情况: (1)大鼠苍白球递质系统的形态学、电生理学和功能学研究,山东省自然科学三等奖,2010.01,山东省人民政府,第一位 (2)大鼠苍白球递质系统与帕金森病发病关系的实验研究,山东省高等学校优秀科研成果二等奖,2011.12,山东省教育厅,第一位 (3)基底神经节突触传递及其与神经源性疾病相关性研究,青岛市自然科学二等奖,2008.07,青岛市人民政府,第一位