


作者: 时间:2021-09-17 点击数:

一、 个人简介


二、 主要研究方向


三、 代表性科研成果

1. tingting jin, zhongxin jiang, xiao luan, zhuling qu, feifei guo, shengli gao, luo xu and xiangrong sun* (2020) exogenous orexin-a microinjected into central nucleus of the amygdala modulates feeding and gastric motility in rats. front. neurosci. 14:274. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00274

2. xiangrong sun, lieqi tang, steven winesett, wenhan chang, sam xianjun cheng *. calcimimetic r568 inhibits tetrodotoxin-sensitive colonic electrolyte secretion and reduces c-fos expression in myenteric neurons. life sci. 2018 feb 1; 194:49-58.

3. xiangrong sun, luo xu *, feifei guo, wenjuan luo, shengli gao, xiao luan. neurokinin-1 receptor blocker cp-99 994 improved emesis induced by cisplatin via regulating the activity of gastric distention responsive neurons in the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus and enhancing gastric motility in rats. neurogastroenterol motil. 2017 oct; 29(10): 1-11.

4. xiangrong sun, lei chen *, wenfang chen, yan xue, wh yung. electrophysiological and behavioral effects of group iii metabotropic glutamate receptors on pallidal neurons in normal and parkinsonian rats. synapse. 2013 dec;67(12):831-8.

5. xiangrong sun, lei chen *, wenfang chen, wh yung. electrophysiological and behavioral effects of group i metabotropic glutamate receptors on pallidal neurons in rats. brain res. 2012 oct 5; 1477:1-9.

6. xiangrong sun, luo xu *, jing zhang, feifei guo, ming tang. the effects of alprostadil on hypothalamic and amygdalar function and the central expression of oxytocin: a potential central role of alprostadil cream. j sex med. 2009 jan; 6(1):81-90.

7. xiangrong sun, ming tang, jing zhang, jiande chen *. excitatory effects of gastric electrical stimulation on gastric distension responsive neurons in ventromedial hypothalamus (vmh) in rats. neurosci res. 2006 aug;55(4):451-7. 

8. luo xu #, xiangrong sun #, ming tang, jiande chen. involvement of the hippocampus and neuronal nitric oxide synapse in the gastric electrical stimulation therapy for obesity. obes surg. 2009 apr;19(4):475-83.

9. luo xu #, xiangrong sun #, jiang lu, ming tang, jiande chen. effects of gastric electric stimulation on gastric distention responsive neurons and expressions of cck in rodent hippocampus. obesity (silver spring). 2008 may;16(5):951-7.

四、 主持的科研项目

1. 基于脑肠轴研究钙敏感受体对摄食及胃肠运动调控的外周及中枢机制。国家自然科学基金面上项目(31971060)58万,2020/01-2023/12, 在研

2. kif26b 与抽动秽语综合征遗传易感性及致病机制研究。中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助2018m630749)8万, 2017/06-2019/12,已结题

3. 海马-下丘脑 obestatin-ghrelin神经通路构成及对糖尿病胃轻瘫调控机制研究国家自然科学基金青年基金81100260),23万,2012/01-2014/12,已结题

五、 科研奖励

1.  徐珞,郭菲菲,孙向荣,祝海,张静,胃动素发现及其相关肽ghrelin生物学效应及临床意义,青岛市自然科学奖,二等奖,2014

2.  徐珞,孙向荣,郭菲菲,祝海,韩晓华,陆江,杨南,甲状腺胃动素的发现、分泌调控及临床意义研究,山东省科学技术进步奖,二等奖,2013

3.  徐珞, 孙向荣,董静,闫春玲,唐明,啮齿类动物胃动素基因发现、表达和受体活性及相关肽ghrelin 中枢生物学效应.,山东省自然科学奖,二等奖,2010.





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