近年来,以第一/通讯作者(含并列第一作者)发表sci收录论文20余篇,被引用500余次,其中j agr food chem, bioresour technol, food chem, food funct等中科院一、二区论文16篇,授权国家发明专利8项,国际pct专利1项。担任 sci 期刊front bioeng biotech主题编辑(topic editor)。主持国家自然科学基金(nsfc),韩国研究基金会基金(nrf),山东省自然科学基金等各类课题10余项。
研究兴趣包括:1. 靶向肠道微生态的益生元开发及作用机制研究;2. 慢性炎症与代谢性疾病的关系研究。
(1) li s, he n, han q, li x, jung s, lee bs, wang zp, wang ln, lee ms*. production of a thermo-tolerant κ-carrageenase via a food-grade host and anti-oxidant activity of its enzymatic hydrolysate. food chem. 2021 mar 08;339. (中科院1区top)
(2) he n, wang y, zhou z, liu n, jung s, lee ms, li s*. preventive and prebiotic effect of α-galacto-oligosaccharide against dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis and gut microbiota dysbiosis in mice. j agric food chem. 2021 aug 25;69(33):9597-9607. (中科院1区top)
(3) li s, jin m, wu y, jung s, li d, he n, lee ms*. an efficient enzyme-triggered controlled release system for colon-targeted oral delivery to combat dextran sodium sulfate (dss)-induced colitis in mice. drug deliv. 2021 dec;28(1):1120-1131. (中科院2区)
(4) he n, chen h, zhou z, zhao w, wang s, lv z, liu n, wang h, yang z, li s*. enzymatically synthesized α-galactooligosaccharides attenuate metabolic syndrome in high-fat diet induced mice in association with the modulation of gut microbiota. food funct. 2021 jun 8;12(11):4960-4971. (中科院1区top)
(5) li s, wang l, liu b, he n*. unsaturated alginate oligosaccharides attenuated obesity-related metabolic abnormalities by modulating gut microbiota in high-fat-diet mice. food funct. 2020 may 01;11(5) (中科院1区top)
(6) he n, wang s, lv z, zhao w, li s*. low molecular weight chitosan oligosaccharides (lmw-coss) prevent obesity-related metabolic abnormalities in association with the modification of gut microbiota in high-fat diet (hfd)-fed mice. food funct. 2020 nov 18;11(11):9947-9959. (中科院1区top)
(7) ma c, li x, yang k, li s*. characterization of a new chitosanase from a marine bacillus sp. and the anti-oxidant activity of its hydrolysate. mar drugs. 2020 feb 19;18 (中科院2区)
(8) li s, wang zp*, wang ln, peng jx, wang yn, han yt, zhao sf. combined enzymatic hydrolysis and selective fermentation for green production of alginate oligosaccharides from laminaria japonica. bioresour technol. 2019; 281:84-89. 9. (中科院1区top)
(9) li s, wang l, chen x, zhao w, sun m, han y*. cloning, expression, and biochemical characterization of two new oligoalginate lyases with synergistic degradation capability. mar biotechnol. 2018 feb;20(1):75-86. (中科院2区)
(10) li s, hao j, sun m*. cloning and characterization of a new cold-adapted and thermo-tolerant ι-carrageenase from marine bacterium flavobacterium sp. ys-80-122. int j biol macromol. 2017; 102:1059-1065. (中科院2区top)
(1)一种新型仿生亲和纯化材料及其在壳聚糖酶纯化中的应用;授权号:109320630b. 国际pct检索号:pct/cn2019/111672
pg麻将胡了模拟器链接的联系方式:青岛大学浩园c617; tel: 0532-85956866; email: lisy@qdu.edu.cn